Tuesday, 22 August 2017

TMackintosh published This is when The Gym will open in Redhill and what it will like...

The opening of a brand new low-cost gym in Redhill town centre has been pushed back until the middle of next month, it has been announced. Despite the setback, the commercial director of The Gym Group says "thousands" have already signed up to be members of the new gym and he has pledged that prices for the gym will be kept low - with prices of £15.99 a month without a joining fee being advertised.It will be open 24 hours a day, seven days a week, and photos from another The...

This is when The Gym will open in Redhill and what it will like...

from Surrey Mirror All Content Feed http://www.surreymirror.co.uk/this-is-when-the-gym-will-open-in-redhill-as-thousands-sign-up/story-30491510-detail/story.html

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